

Updated Practice Policies & Procedures regarding Covid-19 2022

We hope you are safe and well.

Western Australia’s COVID-19 situation is constantly evolving, and we are facing challenging times as we adjust to the new normal of COVID in our communities.

The Dash are focused on ensuring continuity of care for our clients by minimising treatment interruptions, while ensuring the safety of our team, our clients, and the community.

As always, we are committed to keeping our clients informed, so please find our recently reviewed and updated COVID-19 policies and procedures, as below.

In developing our policies and procedures, we are guided by state and federal government directives, SafeWork guidelines, research evidence, as well as the recommendations of our governing bodies including the Australia Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Australian Psychological Society (APS). 

We sincerely appreciate the support, understanding and patience shown by all our clients and referrers as we navigate this ever-evolving situation. 

Warm Regards

Megan Murray & Emma DeCicco

Directors, The Dash – Health Hub

Our policies and procedures will be reviewed, updated, and communicated regularly. If you have any queries, concerns, or feedback on any of the above, please speak to your clinician or our reception team via admin@thedashhub.com.au or 9246 9482. We are also happy to forward an email to your clinician. 

Updated COVID-19 Safety Measures - effective Tuesday 16th May 2023

o   If you (or anyone accompanying you) are not feeling well, or have any common COVID-19 symptoms please DO NOT enter the premises. Call reception immediately and your session will be changed to telehealth (via phone or video).

o   Masks are optional while in the practice.

o   Additional measures we have already implemented are physical distancing, maintaining hygiene standards, e.g., regular hand washing and frequent cleaning of the practice. 

o   All staff and contractors at The Dash - Health Hub will provide Telehealth from their home if they are showing any signs of illness or are required to isolate.

Attendance Policy & Telehealth

o   To ensure we are able to provide continuity of care and support to our clients and clinicians, we have updated our Attendance Policy, linked here https://www.thedashhub.com.au/terms-conditions?rq=attendance :

o   Key updates to Attendance Policy:

o   Less than 1 Business Day Notice = Full session fee

o   1 Business Day Notice = 50% session fee

o   Your face-to-face appointment will be automatically transitioned to Telehealth if you or your therapist is physically well enough to attend, but unable to in-person, for instance: 

·      You or your clinician has any common COVID-19 symptoms, has a positive test result and / or is awaiting a COVID test result.

o   If you test positive and are physically too unwell to attend a Telehealth appointment, we will waive the non-attendance fee for this scenario.

o   Our reception team will contact you in the event your appointment has been transitioned to Telehealth.

Preparing for Telehealth

o   We strongly encourage you to prepare for the likelihood of transitioning to Telehealth sessions at some stage, regardless of vaccination status, by discussing this with your or your child’s clinician. It is likely that Telehealth consultations will play a more vital role in your care this year.

o   Telehealth is recommended by psychology and counselling governing bodies as the preferable medium to enable vital continuity of care for clients requiring psychological assessment, treatment and, or support during the current COVID-19 pandemic.  If your clinician considers that Telehealth may not be appropriate for your or your child’s circumstances, they will discuss alternative consultation options. Younger children may benefit from shorter Telehealth sessions, with the remainder of sessions focused on parent or carer feedback and targeted strategies to support the child.

o   Telehealth enables continuity of care and access to services, minimising treatment interruptions, supporting commitment to therapy and providing vital flexibility to service provision. The research on Telehealth shows that it is as effective as face-to-face treatment for most presenting problems. All our clinicians are skilled at providing Telehealth services and will support you in adjusting to this medium.

Our policies and procedures will be reviewed, updated, and communicated regularly. If you have any queries, concerns, or feedback on any of the above, please speak to your clinician or our reception team via admin@thedashhub.com.au or 9246 9482. We are also happy to forward an email to your clinician.


***Please treat one-another with respect and care always, but particularly during this time***